Female Scammer Pearl Van Der Merwe

Pearl Van Der Merwe

Female Scammer Pearl Van Der Merwe

E-mail: pearlvandermerwe@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Pearl
Location [Address]: unknown Cape Town (South Africa)
Age: 35
Birth Date:

Reports :

Scamming scenario:

This one is quite unique and has a crazy story. Supposedly she is a free lance model who commands $25,000-$35,000 per photo shoot, and does this all without help of agent or agency. This is Secondly; she has been stranded in Benin for the last month, strangely surviving at the very beginning on about $50 in cash, because all her luggage was stolen. Somehow she can remain in hotel without paying, but cannot get return ticket back home. Now, what idiot flies to a country, who lives here in USA, on one-way ticket to do a job? She can negotiate $25,000 photo deals but is as illiterate as they come? Then, somehow she comes up with a lawyer to help her sue the company footing the photo shoot deal and that company Lux Soap, is commanded by Benin judge to pay her funds? The story just keeps getting better. But the real kicker, is that I have plainly told her I am highly suspicious, basically called her a scammer and that I work with an FBI friend who is investigating her story. She keeps coming at me trying to get help, so I am going to play this all the way through for the fun of it.



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